The truth about Hollywood & cults


Louis B. Mayer worked at MGM studios in the early 1920’s. His company had merged with two other companies and formed Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer or better known as MGM Studios. Louis B. Mayer had a secret dark side him. He was in a secret cult called the Freemasons. He was taught demonic things in there secretly that his cult would make him make an oath to never out their secrets. He chose not to. Louis B. Mayer was a very dangerous man that had lied to a lot of people throughout his career in Hollywood. In fact, when the studio opened, he left out to the President and to the workers at MGM Studios that he was a secret pedophile. Louis B. Mayer allowed young children to work at his studio with refusing illegally by law to share with their parents, a lot of the cast members & crew that he was sexually attracted to children. Occultists flocked to Hollywood in this era and began working in Hollywood secretly for cult purposes. Hollywood is a secret satanic cult that they lied about and kept it a secret. Louis B. Mayer allowed other occultists that also were Freemasons or that belonged to other cults to work at his studio. These were very dangerous men that were into demonic things and satanic rituals. They were also secret pedophiles. Louis B. Mayer was working in Hollywood and was aware that it was a secret satanic cult. The other occultists also worked in there secretly and illegally. They would never ever rat out someone in their cult, they would break the law like it was not a big deal at all, they would encourage each other that it was fine to be interested in child pornography. Louis B. Mayer was not only into child pornography secretly, he was also into regular pornography secretly. This was what the Freemasons cult taught him as well as their other members.

Here is a photo below of Louis B. Mayer kissing his famous child star Judy Garland. She was a young child here in this photo, as you can see. Louis. B Mayer secretly wanted to have sex with her without her knowing. He managed somehow to keep his sexual attraction to her as a young child a huge secret. He only shared this information with occultists, who like I said above, were sworn to secrecy to never out any of their people.


Here is an expert of what Judy Garland was going to write in her unpublished book:

Between the ages of sixteen and twenty, Judy herself was to be approached for sex — and approached again and again. “Don’t think they all didn’t try,” she said. Top on the list was Mayer himself. Whenever he complimented her on her voice — she sang from the heart, he said — Mayer would invariably place his hand on her left breast to show just where her heart was. “I often thought I was lucky,” observed Judy, “that I didn’t sing with another part of my anatomy.” That scenario, a compliment followed by a grope, was repeated many times until, grown up at last, Judy put a stop to it. “Mr. Mayer, don’t you ever, ever do that again,” she finally had the courage to say. “I just will not stand for it.”

Another executive — Judy did not identify him — summoned her to his office, as he had summoned so many other, more glamorous Metro stars. Eschewing any pretense of small talk, he demanded that she, too, have sex with him. “Yes or no, right now — that was his style,” Judy recalled. When she refused … he began screaming. “Listen you — before you go, I want to tell you something. I’ll ruin you and I can do it. I’ll break you if it’s the last thing I do.”

Article credit:

Louis B. Mayer along with other Freemasons and occultists that worked at MGM Studios back in the 1930’s needed to be in jail. Louis B. Mayer had sexually assaulted Judy Garland as a child and most likely as an adult. He wanted to have sex with her, even though Judy told him no. Louis B. Mayer never turned himself in, nor his cult. He instead chose to lie and hide that these events happened. He illegally hid that he was a pedophile and had sexually assaulted her from the government/president. His cult, the Freemasons that knew he was doing this behavior, refused as well to turn him into the cops. There were other MGM occultists that also wanted to have sex with Judy Garland that were pedophiles but Louis B. Mayer refused to turn them in. He supported their behavior. The Freemasons and other secret societies in Hollywood were not only secretly teaching to be pedophiles, but they were teaching secretly sexually assault people and to be supportive of this behavior. They made it an oath which is why it remains so hidden still in the media today but little by little, these stories are coming out.

In fact the sexual assault of Judy Garland by Louis B. Mayer became known in the media a bit more last year. This article was posted on 11/16/17 :

Hollywood removes statue of Louis B. Mayer beckoning a young Judy Garland to sit on his lap


LOS ANGELES—In response to recent sexual misconduct allegations against prominent figures in the industry, Hollywood officials reportedly ordered Thursday the removal of a controversial statue depicting Louis B. Mayer beckoning the actress Judy Garland to sit on his lap. “Hollywood is proud of its history, but unfortunately, this statue no longer coincides with the principles that we as an industry would like to represent,” said Hollywood Chamber of Commerce chair Arnold Slavens, adding that the statue featuring the famed film producer and MGM studio executive lasciviously gesturing to the young, concerned-looking starlet to sit on his open knee would be taken down later this afternoon. “Like the famous Hollywood sign or the stars on the Walk of Fame, this statue was a proud, popular symbol for the film industry. For a long time, when people thought of Hollywood, they immediately thought of a powerful male figure sexually preying on the vulnerable. We think times have changed.” Slavens added that the committee was already planning on replacing the statue with an equally impressive monument celebrating Hollywood’s strong tradition of forcing aging actresses out of the industry.

Article credit:

In fact it was common for Louis B. Mayer to have young children at MGM Studios sitting on his lap. Here he is below, pictured with young child star Margaret O’Brien.



MGM producer, Arthur Freed also worked for Louis B. Mayer at MGM Studios. Freed, was also a part of a secret dangerous cult. Arthur Freed was also a secret illegal pedophile. He also lied to a lot of the cast and crews that worked at MGM Studios as well as the media, the fans etc. Arthur Freed knew that Louis B. Mayer was sexually attracted to children but instead of turning him into the cops, he also was a pedophile himself for cult purposes. Arthur Freed worked at MGM throughout his career illegally as a secret pedophile and occultist. Arthur Freed had an incident where he illegally exposed himself to child actress, Shirley Temple. It is written in her book called “Child Star”


In her 1988 autobiography Child Star, former child actress Shirley Temple claimed that Freed had intentionally exposed himself to her during a meeting in his office, when she was twelve years old.[8] According to Temple, she reacted with laughter and he angrily kicked her out of his office, though she ultimately kept her contract with MGM. The story was recounted in her New York Times obituary in 2014


Arthur Freed cheated on his wife Renee Klein secretly without her ever knowing. Not only was he into child pornography much like Louis B. Mayer, he was also into regular pornography as well secretly. Arthur Freed was also a very dark person that tried to hide from people that he was into demonic and satanic rituals. Arthur Freed needed to be in prison but his cult and Louis B. Mayer as well as other occultists refused to turn him into the police.

Here below is a photo of The Gumm sisters and you can see young Judy Garland on the left. Notice how risque their outfits were. That’s because there were a lot of pedophiles that worked at MGM back in the day secretly. Also notice that the floor color is a black and white checkerboard. This is the symbolism of the cult of the Freemason lodge’s floor. The black and white represents the duality of good and evil.


Here is a photo of the satanic Freemason Lodge floor:


Just like Louis B. Mayer, Arthur Freed also wanted to have sex with Judy Garland as a child and  when she was an adult. He kept this a secret from his wife. He did not want to people to know this information. He kept it a very dark secret. He didn’t want her fans or the other crew members that were not in a cult to know this information. He also didn’t want the fans to know this. Arthur Freed was working at MGM illegally but he only allowed people that were in cults like Louis B. Mayer to know this information. Arthur Freed was sworn into secrecy and refused to share that he was a dangerous person.


Here you will see Judy Garland sitting on a bed on the set of a movie and of course, Arthur Freed is close by. He was sexually attracted to her and throughout Judy’s career she was hit on sexually by this man. Judy was not interested in these men at MGM and rejected them for hitting on her for sexual pleasure. She also had rejected Louis B. Mayer’s attempts of hitting on her when she was just a child. You will also notice in the photo below that there is the black and white floor.


Here is Judy Garland starring in the 1948 movie “The Pirate” that Arthur Freed produced. Notice in the movie, that again the floor is secretly black and white representing the Freemason Lodge. There were a lot of occultist that worked at MGM secretly and they kept this floor palette a secret from those who are not a member of their cult.


There was a scene that was filmed to the song “Voodoo” that did not make the final cut to the 1948 movie “The Pirate” that featured Judy Garland and Gene Kelly dancing. Apparently the dance was a pretty sexual dance, so this is what Louis B. Mayer said about it:

Halfway through the filming of the “Voodoo” number, Ida Koverman breaks into a board of directors meeting and drags Louis B. Mayer out and says, “You’ve got to see the rushes of the number that Garland and Kelly did yesterday.” Louis B. Mayer took one look and said, “Burn the negative! If that gets on any screen we’ll be raided by the police!” After Mayer called Gene on the carpet, they toned down the staging for “Voodoo” and the number was still in the film when it went to preview.

What is interesting is Louis B. Mayer makes a comment about getting raided by the police.  What was he afraid of? Getting caught being a secret sex offender and pedophile? What is also interesting, is that he was into pornography & the practices of black magic which is why this number came across as very sexual. It was no more than a portrayal of a secret black magic ritual by the Illuminati. Voodoo is also real which I wouldn’t be very shocked if some of these occultists like Louis B. Mayer and Arthur Freed were doing it. Luckily, this scene got deleted.

You will also notice in the photo below of Judy Garland and Gene Kelly that both of their characters are dressed in the colors black and white while doing this voodoo ritual. This is a secret satanic color, much similar to the Freemason Lodge floor. It is demonic and was secretly put on them without either of them knowing because the occultists keep it an oath.


Here in the number “Be a Clown” you will see once again the Judy Garland’s character is wearing black and white checkered pants.


Here in this scene below from “The Pirate” movie it features the characters once again practicing the occult rituals of black magic called Hypnosis. Here in Gene Kelly’s hand, you will see him holding a spinning mirror. Magicians use mirrors in divination for evil purposes. Hypnosis is very dangerous but the magicians will lie and tell you that its not. They use it as a form of mind control. Hollywood likes to try and promote these things as cool but it is really the Illuminati trying to mind control us all into secretly enjoying their secret occult rituals.


Here after Judy Garland’s character has been hypnotized, you will see her dressed in the colors red, black and white. This is once again a secret occult color that she was placed in secretly that Louis B. Mayer, Arthur Freed and the other occultists that worked at MGM kept it a secret. You will see lots of cults using these colors together secretly in Hollywood either in movies or music videos. It is a demonic color to them that represents something very evil.

mack the black

Here is Gene Kelly’s character who is playing the role of a magician, who is also dressed secretly in the same colors of red, black and white.


Read about color symbolism here:

In the music number for “Mack the Black” sung by Judy Garland in “The Pirate”, I could not help but be creeped out by a certain part in the dance number. Judy’s character is hypnotized, then she immediately steps backwards where a man with a scary look on his face grabs her against her will and tries to kiss her. Her character then pushes the man away, and then another man tries to intimately grab her but she pushes him away.



Here below is the man grabbing her intimately against her will and tries to kiss her without her wanting him to. When he grabs her, she struggles but then finally is able to push him away.


Here is Judy Garland’s character that is pushing the man away. You can see that the man is trying to grab her without her wanting him to.


Then this other man steps in and then tries to grab her without her wanting him to.


She finally breaks free from the men’s grip and starts to demonically sing (this is another secret portrayal of the Illuminati black magic occult rituals.) However, notice in the photo below that there are tons of men gathered around her. I could not help but find this scene super creepy with knowing that these occultists such as Louis B. Mayer and Arthur Freed wanted to have sex with her. This film was produced by secret pedophile, Arthur Freed. Could he have been wanting Judy to portray this type of character on screen in reference to things that were happening behind the scenes that he was trying to keep a secret?


Remember black magic & occults is very evil and God is against it! Do not practice these things!

Deuteronomy 18:10-12

 “There shall not be found among you anyone who burns his son or his daughter as an offering, anyone who practices divination or tells fortunes or interprets omens, or a sorcerer or a charmer or a medium or a necromancer or one who inquires of the dead, for whoever does these things is an abomination to the Lord. And because of these abominations the Lord your God is driving them out before you.”

God is also against sexual sin. It is not something He wanted these men to do!

1 Corinthians 6:18

“Flee from sexual immorality. Every other sin a person commits is outside the body, but the sexually immoral person sins against his own body.”

In fact, in lots of Judy Garland’s movies, you will often see her surrounded by a bunch of men when she is singing and dancing.





Also, MGM often had Judy Garland dressed up in corsets, nightgowns and bathrobes in her films. The occultists that worked there wanted to have sex with her.






Notice the black and white masonic floor:



Here is child actress, Margaret O’Brien featured as well in a nightgown in her MGM movie, “Meet Me In St Louis” from 1944.


Here is child actress, Joan Carroll also in “Meet Me in St Louis.” Notice her skin tight, revealing swimwear.


Here is child actress Margaret O’Brien in the movie topless. There were pedophiles working at MGM that needed to be in jail.




Credit to for the information posted above

The CIA and the Illuminati are skilled at blackmailing parents to give up their children. They would watch the mail for porn. Pedophile and murderers who abuse their children are warned that they will go to prison for long lengths of time if they do not cooperate by selling their children into mind-controlled slavery. In return for the parent’s cooperation, they provide rich financial rewards to the parent(s). It’s clearly a case of “if you don’t cooperate you lose in life big time, if you do cooperate you win big time.”

Ministers are often set up with Betas (a sexual model) who then blackmail them. The ministers do not want to lose their status and profession via scandals, so they agree to turn their children over when young to the CIA to work with. The Illuminati like to blackmail these ministers when they are finished with their Seminary schooling and committed to the ministry at about 33 years of age. The idea of having nothing to fall back on after they have committed their entire life to one profession is too much for these weak willed men, and they buckle under the threats. If they don’t buckle under, the resulting consequences will remove them from ministry.

Full article:

In the song for the movie that Arthur Freed had produced in 1948 called “Take Me Out to the Ball Game”, the lyrics mention the secret Freemason Lodges.

Take Me Out To The Ball Game (1948). The lyrics in the closing number, a reprise of Strictly USA, end with: “Like the annual Elks convention / Like masonic halls or firemen’s balls / Like honeymooning at Niagara Falls / They’re really here to stay / Cause it’s strictly USA.” Directed by Busby Berkeley, produced by Arthur Freed

Here is another film that Arthur Freed had illegally produced at MGM Studios in 1952 called “Singin’ In the Rain” featuring actor Gene Kelly. Arthur Freed kept it a secret from him and from the other workers at MGM that he needed to be in prison. He refused to share that he was an illegal pedophile and was in a secret cult. Here in this photo you will notice that Gene Kelly is holding an umbrella.

Umbrella programming is used to create mind-controlled assassins working directly under the Chief of Staff for the sole purpose of assassination



Credit for umbrella symbolism:

Credit for masonic hall lyrics by Arthur Freed:


When Judy Garland was 17, she starred in The Wizard of Oz, one of the most iconic films of all time. But a new memoir alleges that life on the yellow brick road was full of torment, and that the young actress was groped by some of her co-stars.

In the upcoming posthumous memoir Judy and I: My Life with Judy Garland, the late Sidney Luft writes that Garland was tortured by some of the actors who played the munchkins in the film. “They would make Judy’s life miserable on set by putting their hands under her dress,” he said, according to an excerpt printed in People. “The men were 40 or more years old. They thought they could get away with anything because they were so small.”

“They put them all in one hotel . . . they got smashed every night, and they picked them up in butterfly nets,” she added, noting that one of the actors, who was around 40 years old, asked her out on a date.

Article credit:

Hints of pedophila in the movie 1939 movie, “The Wizard of Oz”:


Here is a video that talks about lots of pedophila including Judy Garland and Shirley Temple:

More pedophile moments on”The Judy Garland Show” in the 1960’s:


Here is a still shot from Judy Garland’s performance “The Man That Got Away” on a TV Special in the 60’s that aired called “Judy, Frank & Dean: Once In A Lifetime.” This is after Judy got fired from MGM and started working for other companies. The occultists are working pretty much everywhere in Hollywood because Hollywood is a secret satanic cult. You will see Judy sitting there and noticed the same masonic checkered black and white floor. This is a secret cult floor. The walls are painted red. The occultists use the colors red, black and white as a secret demonic color a lot in Hollywood:


Here is Judy sitting there performing with an eerie door. It’s almost as if the door is representing the Freemason lodge’s hidden dark secrets that they keep behind closed doors. They want the viewers to be unaware that they had any secrets:


Here is a Freemason Lodge photo. Notice the red, black and white colors:



Darryl F. Zanuck became a studio head of 20 Century Fox in 1931. He was also in the cult the Freemasons. He also worked in Hollywood as a secret pedophile. He was aware of Louis B. Mayer at MGM as well that there were other occultists that worked there and supported them illegally. Similar to Louis B. Mayer, Darryl allowed other pedophiles and occultists to worked at 20 Century Fox. He refused to turn his cult in and refused to ever share with the media that he was breaking the law.

At 1:30 you will see Darryl F. Zanuck come on as a presenter at the Oscars. He goes on to introduce the producer award to Arthur Freed. Coincidence? I think not. They were both secret illegal pedophiles. MGM and 20 Century Fox were keeping it an oath that they were dangerous people, pedophiles and some even sex offenders.

Here are both Arthur Freed and Darryl F. Zanuck shaking hands. Could it have been a Masonic handshake? If not, they were both clearly aware that each other were illegal pedophiles that needed to be in jail but refused to turn each other in. They went on The Oscars secretly and hid that they needed to be in jail. The award that Arthur Freed accepted was illegal and it was illegal that Darryl announced it to him.



Photo source & to read more about Masonic handshakes:

Here is Freemason Louis B. Mayer on the right shaking hands with Irving Thalberg:


Here is a screen capture from a video that announces Louis B. Mayer. Notice the man standing to the right of Louis B. Mayer has a cult hat on. He obviously was in a cult and kept his hat a secret.


Here is actor Clark Gable who also worked at MGM that is also wearing the same hat. Clark Gable was also a Freemason. He also raped actress Loretta Young. He was also a secret pedophile that needed to be in jail.


Here is a similar cult hat featured in the 1944 MGM film, “Meet Me in St Louis” worn by the character Grandpa, played by Harry Davenport.


Here is a wonderful video that takes a deeper look into Shirley Temple’s movies that reveal secret pedophila:

Here is another video that talks about there being pedophila in Shirley Temple’s movies. Also this video features clips of Shirley Temple discussing her getting punished on set by being stuck in a box with ice and the inappropriate incident between herself at age 12 and producer of MGM, Arthur Freed:

Shirley Temple was in a lot of danger of working at 20 Century Fox back in the 1930’s. Darryl F. Zanuck was attracted to Shirley Temple sexually and wanted to have sex with her. He was a secret pedophile. Just like Louis B. Mayer of MGM, Zanuck was among other occultists that worked at 20 Century Fox. They were also secret pedophiles that wanted to have sex with Shirley Temple. They managed to keep this a huge secret from movie goers and the fans.

Here is Darryl F. Zanuck with Shirley Temple sitting on his lap.


You will notice that in a lot of Shirley Temple’s movies, she is usually kissing an old man on the lips even if it is portraying her father figure. She usually is motherless and an orphan:




Here is a photo of Shirley Temple kissing an adult man:

20 Century Fox always had Shirley Temple dressed up in risque outfits like tight swimsuits and short dresses:







Here is Shirley Temple is topless in these photos as a child:



In 1936 film “Poor Little Rich Girl”, there is a scene between Shirley Temple and her father where she is singing “When I’m With You.” She is sitting on her father’s lap intimately singing a love song to him. Notice that his hand is too low on her. There are hints of pedophila in this song and scene:


Shirley Temple sings:

When I’m with you
Oh Daddy how I miss you
You’re busy all your life
I long to hug and kiss you
Marry me and let me be your wife 


Similar to Judy Garland, in Shirley Temple’s movies you will usually see her surrounded by male singers and dancers. Also notice how she is wearing short dresses around the men:





Shirley Temple retired from 20 Century Fox for a bit and then was going to try to make a comeback at age 12 while working at MGM Studios with none other then secret pedophile Louis B. Mayer. Unfortunately, Shirley was not safe working at either studios as well as the other child actors. Here is a photo of secret illegal pedophile, Louis B. Mayer putting together a film that never was shot that would feature Shirley Temple, Judy Garland and Mickey Rooney:


As posted previously on this blog, Shirley Temple was exposed to by MGM producer Arthur Freed and Shirley Temple’s mother was sexually harassed by Louis B. Mayer.


Throughout Temple and Garland’s careers from children to adults, they were being passed back and forth between 20 Century Fox and MGM Studios by Louis B. Mayer, Arthur Freed, Darryl F. Zanuck and other occultists that were working at the studios.


Judy Garland was featured originally in the 20 Century Fox film “Pigskin Parade” in 1936.


Shirley Temple in the 1930’s auditioned for the role as Dorothy for 1939’s “The Wizard of Oz” at MGM Studios but didn’t get the part, Judy Garland did.


in 1946, MGM song writer Irving Berlin pitched the idea of a new movie called “Easter Parade” to 20 Century Fox which stars Judy Garland and Fred Astaire. The film didn’t end up being filmed by 20 Century Fox but went to MGM.


Songwriter Irving Berlin was also in the cult, Freemasons.


20 Century Fox making Shirley Temple do the masonic vow of silence:


Here is an interview of Shirley Temple discussing the assault that happened to her at MGM Studios by Arthur Freed and her mother being assaulted by Louis B. Mayer. Go to 12:29 on the video to hear Shirley talk about it:

Anita Colby was artistic director for producer David O. Selznick of Gone with the Wind fame. She warned Temple to be careful if she “found him [Selznick] in stockings.” Temple writes in her autobiography Child Star that this gave her “the impression that casual sex could be a condition of employment” with Selznick.

Indeed, it seems it was, as evidenced by an encounter Temple had with him when she was 17:

Coming around my side of the desk, he reached and took my hand in his. Glancing down, I saw the telltale stocking feet. Pulling free, I turned for the door, but even more quickly he reached back over the edge of his desk and flicked a switch I had learned from Colby was a remote door-locking device. I was trapped. Like the cartoon of wolf and piglet, once again we circled and reversed directions around his furniture. Blessed with the agility of a young dancer and confronted by an amorous but overweight producer, I had little difficulty avoiding passionate clumsiness.

For the entirety of her brief film career, Temple was forced to fight off sexual predators, as she was regularly groped, threatened, and terrorized by men. After she rebuked one Hollywood producer for his advances, he responded, “Look, I’m going to be a big executive. We’re going to have to get along… What I had in mind was just a workplace formality.”

“It may be in your contract, but not mine,” she replied.

“Sex is like a glass of water,” the man she simply refers to as “Wizard” continued. “You get thirsty, you drink. You want sex, you have it.”

Then there was the beloved comedian George Jessel, who once invited her to his office to “discuss a key role” in his upcoming film:

We were standing a pace apart, eyeball to eyeball. In one swift movement he opened his trousers and, with a sudden reach, encircled me with one arm… I could feel his other hand groping to lift my shirt. Hard on the heels of the Wizard, this new assault seemed unreal, but little could I do but thrust my right knee upward into his groin… Pain, disgust, and hate flickered across his face, but I felt no mercy. More and more the adult movie business seemed populated with a bunch of copulating tomcats.



A review of Shirley Temple movie, “The Bachelor and the Bobbysoxer”:

But I guess our societal values have changed enough over the past decades that my new reaction to the storyline of Cary Grant’s Richard Nugent (age 43) pretending that he’s in love with Shirley Temple’s Susan Turner (age 17) was more “Ewwww” than “Isn’t that a hoot!” The really creepy part is that it’s Temple’s elderly uncle who persuades Shirley’s older sister Myrna Loy (who hates the Grant character at first and has good reason to believe he’s a dangerous womanizer) to make Cary woo Shirley until she gets over her schoolgirl crush which she doesn’t, of course, until the end of the film when she’s convinced by her uncle that her sister Myrna Loy (age 42) is SO over the hill that Shirley needs to “give” Cary Grant to her because it’s probably her sister’s last chance to snag a mate. Oy! Can you imagine this pedophile-evoking storyline in a movie today?


Here is a photo of an adult man pretending to spank young Shirley Temple:


Here the photo was repeated with a different actor and when she was older:


This is from a radio segment that Shirley Temple did when she worked at MGM Studios and shot the movie “Kathleen” in 1941. The segment is called “Leo Is On the Air: Kathleen” Shirley Temple was 12 years old and she was reading this about the movie on the radio during the segment. This is what she says:

“Then I’ll pick up my poem and hurry downstairs. And I’ll go into the living room and my father will be standing in front of the fireplace. Just at first he won’t see me and for a minute, I’ll stand there and look at him and think how good looking he is, and young and attractive.”

Sammy Davis Jr also worked at MGM Studios. He was a confirmed Satanist and in The Knights of Malta.


The signal “actually began as a symbol of Satanic benediction during the rituals.” This sign has been used by Yasser Arafat, Richard Nixon, Winston Churchill, and Stewart Meacham, Co-Chairman of Reds’ New Mobilisation Committee.” Churchill said that the sign stood for victory but remember that Churchill was one of the insider “elite” and a Mason. He most likely knew the evil significance of this symbol but tried to give it a facelift.

peace_3The “v sign” has a colourful history. “V” is the Roman sign for the number five and Adam Weishaupt used it in the Illuminati to symbolise the “Law of Fives,” but there’s more. In the Cabala:

“the meaning for the Hebrew letter for V (Van) is ‘Nail.’ Now, ‘The Nail’ is one of the secret titles of Satan within the Brotherhood of Satanism. Satan is letting us know that this is one of his favourite signs. Why else does he like the PENTA-gram (Penta = five!) and the FIVE-fold salute used in Masonry and Witchcraft?”


“The Leftists, radicals, and Satanists who have popularised that sign…know its ancient significance very well. In fact, that ‘V’ sign is now used extensively by such Communist organisations as the Young Socialist Alliance, Vets for Peace in Vietnam, and the Students for a Democratic Society.”


Here is NBC TV Show “The Voice” flashing the illuminati symbol and is using the satanic red, black and white colors in their logo:


Disney child stars flashing the peace sign while working at The Disney Channel:


peacesignmartina1 peacesignkarol peacesignjakeandblake



Walt Disney was in the cult the Freemasons. He was 33 Degree Mason of the Scottish Rite. He was also into pornography secretly and was a secret pedophile. Notice the secret 666 in the Walt Disney logo.


Disneyland opened in 1955. It was illegal. Walt Disney lied and illegally by law left out that he was a secret pedophile. He also left out that he was allowing people to join the theme park staff illegally against the law and to be working there with being refused the information that Walt Disney wanted to have sex with children. Walt Disney also refused to share with Americans, that he was in the Freemason cult and was letting the government sell tickets to the theme park against the law. He needed to be in prison for many things but occultists that were aware that Walt Disney was doing these things, kept it a secret oath and refused to turn him into the cops.


All these children were being fooled into thinking that Walt Disney was a nice man, when really he secretly wanted to have sex with them.


Walt Disney lied on the radio and illegally promoted himself, his studio, his cartoons/movies and refused illegally by law to share with people that he was in a cult and a dangerous pedophile. He also refused to share that he needed to be in jail.


Notice how Walt Disney’s hand is around Shirley Temple. I wouldn’t be shocked if Walt Disney knew about Darryl F. Zanuck, that worked with Shirley Temple at 20 Century Fox who also was a Freemason and a secret pedophile. Walt Disney knew about other Freemason pedophiles that were illegally working in Hollywood. He kept it an oath from the government/president and chose to never rat out his cult.


Photos of Shirley Temple are displayed at Walt Disney’s secret cult called Club 33 The members that work at this secret cult pay lots of money to become a member of this secret dangerous cult. Unfortunately, most people won’t find it suspicious that Walt Disney went near a child, let alone Shirley Temple who had a lot of older men that were sexually attracted to her. Also, most will not find it strange that Club 33, has photos of Shirley Temple with Walt Disney hanging up. The members of this cult, are aware that Walt Disney was a Freemason and a secret pedophile. They are keeping it a secret. They are pedophiles themselves.



Here is another photo of Walt Disney with young child actress, Hayley Mills. Notice how he has his arm around her. These children were in danger of working with him, he knew it and refused by law to share it:


Walt lied about “The Mickey Mouse Club” and refused to share that he was a pedophile. These children were in danger. He let this TV Show air illegally:



Walt Disney released his cartoons to the movie theater secretly and illegally with refusing to share by law that he was a pedophile. He also refused to share that he was in a cult.

Here is a wonderful website that has a lot of information on Walt Disney & pedophila:

Here is a video that is about Disney pedophila:

This screenshot is from the 1994 Disney movie “Blank Check” Here you will see the young boy character getting kissed by an adult female:


Police Uncover Massive Pedophile Ring At Disney World

Police have uncovered a huge pedophile ring at Disney World, Florida, with over 35 employees arrested for alleged child rape offences.


Notice how short Miley Cyrus’ skirt is while she worked on “Hannah Montana.” Disney Channel is full of sick pedophiles:


Karol Sevilla wearing short shorts while posing for Latin America’s Disney Channel Show, “Soy Luna.”


A pentagram (sometimes known as a pentalpha or pentangle or a star pentagon) is the shape of a five-pointed star drawn with five straight strokes.

Pentagrams were used symbolically in ancient Greece and Babylonia, and are used today as a symbol of faith by many Wiccans.  The pentagram has magical associations. The pentagram has associations with Freemasonry and is also used as a symbol by other belief systems.


Notice the pentagram on the Freemason Lodge floor:


Notice the colors of the Satanic Bible. Red and black as well as the pentagram:


Here is Donald Duck from a Disney cartoon wearing the occult symbol on his hand:


Ashley Tisdale wearing the five pointed star necklace in “High School Musical 2”:


Here is a picture of Christina Aguilera when she worked on “The Mickey Mouse Club” wearing a five pointed star shirt:


Disney star, Karol Sevilla from “Soy Luna” wearing the five pointed star shirt while working for Disney Channel Latin America. She is also wearing black and white which represents the duality between good and evil. You will see a lot of Disney stars wearing this color while working for Disney. The occultists are trying to keep it a secret. It is also seen a lot in Hollywood as well:

Karol Sevilla soy luna

Here is Miley Cyrus dressed up in black and white and wearing the satanic five pointed star:




Notice that Walt Disney drew Alice in the cartoon “Alice in Wonderland” wearing black and white (the shoes, tights and headband):


Sign featured in this Disney cartoon reads, Ask about Illuminati:


Chalkboard reads, The Illuminati. This was featured in an episode of “The Suite Life of Zack and Cody”


snow-white-temporary-tattoo_dsny-sm-06 51KDeW1+mtL

The blue bird is an occult symbol. Walt Disney promoted this in
“Snow White” and 20 Century Fox promoted it in their film “The Blue Bird”


Project MKUltra, also called the CIA mind control program, is the code name given to a program of experiments on human subjects that were designed and undertaken by the United States Central Intelligence Agency—and which were illegal at times.[1] Experiments on humans were intended to identify and develop drugs and procedures to be used in interrogations in order to weaken the individual and force confessions through mind control. The project was organized through the Office of Scientific Intelligence of the CIA and coordinated with the U.S. Army Biological Warfare Laboratories.[2]

The operation was officially sanctioned in 1953, was reduced in scope in 1964, further curtailed in 1967, and officially halted in 1973.[3] The program engaged in many illegal activities,[4][5][6] including the use of U.S. and Canadian citizens as its unwitting test subjects, which led to controversy regarding its legitimacy.[4](p74)[7][8][9] MKUltra used numerous methods to manipulate people’s mental states and alter brain functions, including the surreptitious administration of drugs (especially LSD) and other chemicals, hypnosis,[10][11] sensory deprivation, isolation, verbal and sexual abuse (including the sexual abuse of children), and other forms of torture.[12][13]

The scope of Project MKUltra was broad with research undertaken at 80 institutions, including colleges and universities, hospitals, prisons, and pharmaceutical companies.[14] The CIA operated through these institutions using front organizations, although sometimes top officials at these institutions were aware of the CIA’s involvement.[15]

Project MKUltra was first brought to public attention in 1975 by the Church Committee of the United States Congress and a Gerald Ford‘s United States President’s Commission on CIA activities within the United States. Investigative efforts were hampered by the fact that CIA Director Richard Helms ordered all MKUltra files to be destroyed in 1973; the Church Committee and Rockefeller Commission investigations relied on the sworn testimony of direct participants and on the relatively small number of documents that survived Helms’s destruction order.[16]

In 1977, a Freedom of Information Act request uncovered a cache of 20,000 documents relating to project MKUltra which led to Senate hearings later that year.[4][17] Some surviving information regarding MKUltra was declassified in July 2001.

mirroralice wizardofoz

The movie The Wizard of Oz is used by Monarch handlers to program their slaves. Symbols and meanings in the movie become triggers in the slave’s mind enabling easy access to the slave’s mind by the handler. In popular culture, veiled references to Monarch programming often use analogies to The Wizard of Oz and Alice in Wonderland

Dissociation is thus achieved by traumatizing the subject, using systematic abuse and using terrifying occult rituals. Once a split in the core personality occurs, an “internal world” can be created and alter personas can be programmed using tools such as music, movies (especially Disney productions) and fairy tales. These visual and audio aids enhance the programming process using images, symbols, meanings, and concepts. Created alters can then be accessed using trigger words or symbols programmed into the subject’s psyche by the handler. Some of the most common internal images seen by mind control slaves are trees, Cabalistic Tree of life, infinity loops, ancient symbols and letters, spider webs, mirrors, glass shattering, masks, castles, mazes, demons, butterflies, hour glasses, clocks, and robots. These symbols are commonly inserted in popular culture movies and videos for two reasons: to desensitize the majority of the population, using subliminals and neuro-linguistic programming and to deliberately construct specific triggers and keys for base programming of highly-impressionable MONARCH children. [11. Ibid.] Some of the movies used in Monarch programming include The Wizard of Oz, Alice in Wonderland, Pinocchio and Sleeping Beauty.

Credit and read more about Monarch Mind Control here:

Origins and Techniques of Monarch Mind Control

Here is a video that takes a deep look into MK Ultra Mind Control and how people use “The Wizard of Oz” for it:

Here is Disney promoting the movie “The Wizard of Oz” & other Oz occult books:





Rowan Blanchard dressed up as Dorothy Gale in the Disney Channel movie, “Invisible Sister”:


“The Wizard of Oz” being promoted in Disney Channel’s “Girl Meets World”:


Rowan Blanchard while she worked at The Disney Channel is here promoting “The Wizard of Oz”:


Here is Rowan Blanchard promoting “The Wizard of Oz” being released in 2014:



Disney Channel show “Suite Life on Deck” promoting “The Wizard of Oz”:


“Sonny with a Chance” promoting “The Wizard of Oz”:


Disney actress Sierra McCormick from “A.N.T. Farm” promoting “The Wizard of Oz”:


Listen to 0:30:

Bridgit Mendler from “Good Luck Charlie” singing about Oz in her song “Hurricane”:


And all that wind that swept me off my feet
Got me flying til I’m crying and I’m down on my knees
That’s what Dorothy was afraid of
The sneaky tornado

“That’s So Raven” promoting “The Wizard of Oz”:




Former Disney actress/singer Demi Lovato and actor/singer Nick Jonas dressed up as Dorothy Gale and Scarecrow:


Listen to 1:34:

Demi Lovato singing about Oz in her song for the Disney Channel called “I Believe”:


If I follow my dreams, I’ll end up building a yellow brick road

Karol Sevilla from Disney’s “Soy Luna” poses in her “Wizard of Oz” outfit:


Coming up next on Disney Channel..


Alice and Wonderland programming:

Sabrina Carpenter from “Girl Meets Worlds” has a Alice in Wonderland Sweet 16 themed birthday party:

sabrinaalice1 sabrinaalice3

Notice the black and white floor:


Sabrina once again posing in an Alice in Wonderland costume:


Disney’s “Shake It Up” promoting Alice in Wonderland:


Disney’s 1990’s Alice in Wonderland show:


Once again Disney has the masonic black and white floor:


The Disney Channel is trying to corrupt young children’s minds into thinking it is fine and cool to practice occult rituals that are very dark, evil and demonic. Disney Channel has been hiding secrets for a long time and do not want people to think that they are dangerous people. Lots of them are pedophiles that want to harm children. They need to be in jail! These children that are working at The Disney Channel are in danger!


Check out this great blog that shares a lot of information about Disney illuminati:

Demi Lovato’s cd cover with the Disney Channel. Notice that colors are secretly in satanic red, black and white.


Here is Selena Gomez promoting the satanic red, black and white colors while promoting her music video “Cruella De vil” aka Cruella devil:


Notice the red, black and white satanic colors in Disney’s Latin America’s “This Is Love” by Violetta:


Here is the cast of “Wizards of Waverly Place” on the secret masonic black & white floor:


Here is the cast of “So Random” on the secret masonic black & white floor:


“Hannah Montana” set featuring the masonic floor:


Disney show “Jessie” featuring the masonic floor:


Hilary Duff posing for a photoshoot for “Lizzie McGuire” on the masonic floor:


Karol Sevilla from “Soy Luna” standing on a demonic black & white floor:


Disney stars Miley Cyrus, Selena Gomez, Demi Lovato, Ashley Tisdale, Brenda Song and Sabrina Carpenter doing the masonic vow of silence. The Disney Channel occultists are hiding that this is a secret occult symbol, they are hiding that Walt Disney was a pedophile and so are they. These kids are in a lot of danger of working at The Disney Channel and these occultists know it but won’t admit that they need to be in prison for working there illegally.



Also notice the demonic heart located on Demi’s album cover. It’s a secret demonic symbol.





Disney Latin America “Violetta” star Martina Stoessel:


Disney Latin America “Soy Luna” star Karol Sevilla:


Mickey doing the vow of silence in an old Walt Disney cartoon:


1960’s Walt Disney film, “Pollyanna”:


Ava from Disney’s “Girl Meets World”:



Here is Disney promoting the occult heart symbol:












Here you will see China Anne also wearing the five pointed star earrings:




Here is Karol Sevilla’s music video featuring Dani Martins ,”A Bailar”, you will notice them doing the heart symbol on the lyrics, “almost hypnotized” remember hypnosis is magic & demonic:



The peace symbol (also called the “broken cross,” “crow’s foot,” “witch’s foot,” “Nero Cross,” “sign of the ‘broken Jew,'” and the “symbol of the ‘anti-Christ”’) is actually a cross with the arms broken. It also signifies the “gesture of despair,” and the “death of man.”

Here is Disney artists promoting the peace symbol:






Credit for peace symbol information:


The lighting bold represent Lucifer, the fallen angel, falling from heaven as a lighting bold as described in Luke 18:10. The lighting bold is a Satanic ray widely used in the music industry.






Martina Stoessel from “Violetta” wearing a lightning bolt shirt as well as flashing a demonic peace sign:


From a “Soy Luna” music video called “Si lo sueñas claro”:



You are the thunder and I am the lightning and I
Love the way you know
Who you are and to me
Its exciting when you
Know its meant to be
Everything comes naturally, it comes naturally
When you with me baby
Everything comes naturally
It comes naturally bay bay baby

– “Naturally” by Selena Gomez & The Scene

I’ve been waitin’
For a day like this to come
Struck like lightnin’
My heart’s beating like a drum
On the edge of something wonderful

– “Take On the World” by Sabrina Carpenter & Rowan Blanchard

Lightning bolt symbolism source:

As time progressed, the lone dot became multiple ones, being placed on objects and clothes. In some non western cultures, polka dots were signs of things like Magic, a successful hunt and male potency. They were made highly visible in many public places. Especially painted on tents.


Even much earlier, in 1928 Walt Disney introduced his character creation of Miss Minnie Mouse. She was drawn as always wearing the loud polka dot pattern on her dress with matching hair bow.



Disney stars promoting polka dots:






Polka dots go way back in Hollywood. Secret occultist/pedophile Darryl F. Zannuck had Shirley Temple promote polka dots back in the 1930s:


Disney using the butterfly symbol to represent MK Ultra Monarch Mind Control:







Notice the butterflies and also the satanic hearts:





Read more about butterfly symbolism here:


Star and Crescent Represents the moon goddess Dianna and the “son of the morning”, the name of Lucifer in Isaiah 14:12.
Witchcraft uses it the way shown and Satanism turns it in the opposite direction as does Islam


Symbolism source:


Notice the name Luna in the Disney show “Soy Luna”

In ancient Roman religion and myth, Luna is the divine embodiment of the Moon. She is often presented as the female complement of the Sun conceived of as a god. Luna is also sometimes represented as an aspect of the Roman triple goddess, along with Proserpina and Hecate.

Source: Wikipedia

Remember The Holy Bible tells us to stay away from false gods and strange myths!

“Thou shalt have no other gods before Me” – Exodus 20:3

Animal print is used in Sex Kitten (Beta Programming) you will often see Disney stars dressed up in this and worn by lots in the entertainment industry. The occultists are keeping it a secret:









Michael Jackson was also a secret pedophile that needed to be in jail





Violetta’s “Junto Somos Mas” music video:


Secret occultist/pedophile, Louis B. Mayer had lots of his MGM stars wear and promote animal print, including young Judy Garland:


Read more about animal print in Hollywood and Project Monarch:

Hidden Eye

The sign is made by hidding one of the eye, preferably the left, represents the Eye of Horus. The right eye of Lucifer, or the All-Seeing Eye is the most important Illuminati symbol. It is used to demonstrate allegiance to the Order or for branding.

hiddeneyemiley hiddeneyemiley2



Notice the butterfly tied around her finger:


Triple 6

This sign is the hand gesture to represent 666, the Number of the Beast. Often used to denote “Okay”, or “A-Okay”, to the Illuminati, it indicates approval of their Lord of Light, aka the Antichrist.






All-Seeing Eye

The All-Seeing Eye floating is representative of the Illuminati seeing themselves as gods, and being able to see and watch everything that we do. They are rapidly approaching their goals thanks to quickly advancing technology.

The eye is usually a left one, such as on the US dollar bill. Some illuminati symbologists speculate that it might me the eye of Saturn while others suggest that it is the Eye of Horus. The all-seeing eye was one of the first symbols added to the Great Seal as we can see from a 1776 sketch found in Thomas Jefferson’s papers.


Source for symbolism:


Symbols of imprisonment are used in Monarch mind-control programming. The symbols are a literal representation of the mental and physical bondage of Illuminati slaves.





Source for symbolism:

Notice how Miley Cyrus was chosen to wear a blonde wig while working at The Disney Channel while working on “Hannah Montana”:


This blonde wig represents the concept of alter persona. The creation of alter personas is the main goal of Monarch mind control (if you don’t know what I am referring to, read this article first) and, coincidentally, products of Beta Kitten programming are often made to wear blonde wigs


Notice how the Disney Channel puts out kids undergarmets on the market. These occultists and pedophiles need to be in jail!




Subliminal message in Disney’s Aladdin? It says “Good teenagers take off your clothes”

Andi Mack‘s Stoney Westmoreland Fired By Disney Channel Following Arrest for Attempted Sex With Minor


Stoney Westmoreland, who plays Henry “Ham” Mack on Disney Channel’s Andi Mack, has been fired by the network following his arrest for alleged attempted sex with a minor.

The actor was apprehended on Friday night in Salt Lake City, while en route to pick up the person that he believed was underage. According to court documents, Westmoreland had been communicating via a dating app with someone he thought to be 13 years old, and police allege that the actor sent pornographic photos and asked the person he was speaking with to do the same. He also allegedly asked the presumed minor to engage in sexual acts with him.

Westmoreland was arrested for investigation of enticing a minor by Internet or text (which is a second-degree felony) and four counts of dealing in materials harmful to a minor (a third-degree felony).

In a statement to our sister site Deadline, Disney Channel said, “Given the nature of the charges and our responsibility for the welfare of employed minors, we have released him from his recurring role and he will not be returning to work on the series which wraps production on its third season next week.”

Westmoreland had appeared as Andi Mack’s grandfather in 38 episodes of the series. It remains unclear if the role will be recast.



Sex offender owns Lakeland house used in Disney movie


The home was scouted out and rented for the movie by Disney.

“Being Disney, being a Disney movie and Disney being more geared toward children, using a house that’s owned by a registered sex offender is kind of crazy,” father and Lakeland resident Dustin Finn told FOX 13. “It’s just nuts, for a multi-billion-dollar corporation.”

Read full article here:

Winnie the Pooh actor Jim Cummings accused of sexual assault, animal abuse by ex-wife: Report


The Dark Sexual Assault Allegations That Have Tainted the Walt Disney Company

For years, the Walt Disney Company has labeled itself creator of “the happiest place on earth.” However, the company has been hit with multiple sexual assault cases through the years, from Disney executives to Disney cruise lines to Disney theme parks. Here are some of the dark sexual assault secrets the company has tried to keep under wraps.

Read full article here:

It Happened to Me: I Was Raped at Disney World And Nobody Cared

To be honest, I feel more violated by the way Disney treated me than I feel from being raped, and I’m worried for every other person that has been in my situation.

Read full article here:

Nickelodeon Cuts Ties With ‘iCarly’ Creator Dan Schneider After Alleged Abusive Behavior

Nickelodeon has officially cut ties with famed producer Dan Schneider, creator of major hits including “iCarly,” “All That,” “The Amanda Show” and “Drake & Josh,” following allegations of abusive behavior.

Nickelodeon child stars, Miranda Cosgrove (Drake & Josh, iCarly) and Victoria Justice (Victorious) doing the vow of silence.


Notice that Victoria Justice has on a cheetah print outfit which is often seen being worn a lot Hollywood as secret Monarch/MK Ultra Sex Kitten programming:


Website about cheetah print being used as Monarch/Mk Ultra sex kitten programming in Hollywood:

Here is Nickelodeon artist, Jojo Siwa promoting the satanic black & white floor in her song “Kid In A Candy Store”:


Corey Feldman Claims Pedophilia in Hollywood

“I can tell you that the No. 1 problem in Hollywood was and is and always will be pedophilia. That’s the biggest problem for children in this industry. … It’s the big secret,” Feldman said.

The “casting couch,” which is the old Hollywood reference to actors being expected to offer sex for roles, applied to children, Feldman said. “Oh, yeah. Not in the same way. It’s all done under the radar,” he said.

“I was surrounded by [pedophiles] when I was 14 years old. … Didn’t even know it.

Read full article and watch video here:


Scientology is a cult, not a church. It was started by L. Ron Hubbard in 1952. He lied and claimed that it was a religion. He chose to put this cross up to pretend to be religious when he was a very dark person that didn’t believe in Jesus Christ or God. Scientologists do NOT believe in Jesus Christ or God.



Notice how L. Ron Hubbard is wearing a satanic star on his hat and in the Scientology promo there it is used again. This star is used in black magic.



Here are the Freemasons using the demonic star in their cult with the demonic checkered masonic black and white floor:


Here is a photo of a Scientology building using the same demonic floor as the Freemasons:

L. Ron Hubbard was very good friends with occultist and magician Aleister Crowley:

Read more about Aleister Crowley here:


Scientology Founder L. Ron Hubbard says a seven-year-old girl should see nothing wrong with being passionately kissed.


Dianetics photo credit & info goes to Tony Ortega (

Former cult member, Leah Remini is exposing the cult of Scientology on her A&E TV Series called “Scientology and the Aftermath” and in the media:

Watch full episodes of “Scientology and the Aftermath” here:

A video that talks about pedophila in the cult:

Scientologist member Tom Cruise needs to be in jail for being a secret pedophile. He cheated on his wives, Nicole Kidman and Katie Holmes without them knowing. He is refusing by law to share that he needs to be in jail.



Video that discusses Tom Cruise being a pedophile:

Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes’ daughter, Suri Cruise was in a lot of danger of going inside of Scientology. There are a lot of secret pedophiles in there and dangerous people that would abuse a child. Tom Cruise is hiding this information. Suri is also in danger of being in Hollywood due to a lot of dangerous occultists and pedophiles secretly working in there. Tom Cruise secretly cheated on Katie Holmes with child pornography and is illegally against the law keeping it a secret. He is breaking the law in Hollywood with his films and is sniping his fans. Katie Holmes was also in danger working in Hollywood as well as Suri Cruise without them knowing because Tom is aware of many dangerous occultists in there that would harm them. He is illegally keeping it a secret and will not share it with them or their fans. The cult of Scientology is hiding their disconnection policy. Tom has disconnected from Suri Cruise.


Stanley Kubrick claimed that “the world is run by pedophiles”, according to Nicole Kidman, who says the reclusive director taught her “how the world works and who is really in control behind the scenes” while filming Eyes Wide Shut. 

Stanley told me the world is run by pedophiles,” Nicole Kidman said while promoting HBO’s Big Little Lies, in Los Angeles. “He studied secret societies his whole life, he was fascinated by them, and he said the elite, the top secret societies, they are full of men with a certain predilection. They are tied together, sort of bonded, by pedophilia. 

The 1999 film, starring Kidman and her then husband Tom Cruise, was Stanley Kubrick’s last outing as director before his death the same year. Many people believe Kubrick gave away too many secrets in the film about secret societies and the global elite, and it may have cost him his life.



The name of the store where Bill rents his costume is called “Rainbow”. The name of the store under it: “Under the Rainbow”. Kubrick is trying to tell us something…Something involving rainbows.

Remember that the movie “The Wizard of Oz” and the song “Over the Rainbow” by Judy Garland is used in MK Ultra mind control. Also, lots of people that worked at MGM Studios were occultists and pedophiles.

Tom Cruise’s movie “Eyes Wide Shut” occult symbolism read here (warning, there is a risque photo of Nicole Kidman):


Isabella and Connor Cruise were adopted secretly by Tom Cruise. He is a secret pedophile. Pedophiles often have a sick obsession with orphans. They will secretly adopt them and harm them illegally. Nicole Kidman, Isabella and Connor were in danger of being in Hollywood. Tom hates them and is illegally hiding it. He is aware of dangerous people working in there secretly and will not take them to prison.

Isabella and Connor were secretly in danger going into Scientology. Tom Cruise knows this. Scientology secretly hates children. He converted them to scientologists. Here is Isabella Cruise promoting the illuminati all seeing eye. It is an evil secret symbol that they use a lot in Hollywood.


Here is the all seeing eye and illumanati pyramid. You will see this symbol or sometimes the triangle being promoted a lot secretly in Hollywood.


You will see that the cult of Scientology is promoting the pyramid symbol in their logo secretly.


Photo of Tom Cruise throwing up a secret Illuminati hand symbols:







After L. Ron Hubbard passed away, David Miscavige took over as head of Scientology. David is hiding crimes going on inside of Scientology. He is hiding that he is a dark and dangerous person. He is a liar. He needs to be in jail. He has beaten people up inside of Scientology before. There has been many people talking about the illegal crimes that go on inside of Scientology on programs such as, A&E’s “Scientology and the Aftermath”  as well as HBO’s “Going Clear.” Crimes that have been mentioned are pedophila, child abuse, stealing people’s mail and reading it illegally, feeding slop to Scientology members, hooking up hidden cameras, David beating people up and the list goes on.

A lot of these cults including Scientology, pretty much blackmail their members. That is why a lot of these people are afraid to speak up the truth. Scientologists are known to stalk members that have quit, dig through their trash illegally and make up false websites about them with very hurtful information about the members who have quit. These occultists do not want the truth getting out.



Actor Brad Pitt is a secret illegal pedophile. In 1994, he kissed actress Kirsten Dunst in the film, “Interview with a Vampire” which also stars other secret pedophile, Tom Cruise. Brad Pitt is illegally keeping it a secret from his fans and from Kirsten Dunst that he is a pedophile. He wants to have sex with children. He is in a cult called The Freemasons. Here is a photo of him wearing the Freemason ring. He is keeping it a secret. He is a really dangerous man that is into the occult black magic. He is hiding this from the cops.


In the 80’s, Brad Pitt dated Shalane McCall who was 15 at the time and he was 24.


He also dated Christina Applegate, who was a teenager.


Credit to Lipstick Alley for sharing these two photos & info.

From 2000-2005, Brad Pitt was married to actress Jennifer Aniston. He refused to share with her that Hollywood is a secret satanic cult and that the illuminati are allowing people to secretly enroll into Hollywood illegally to work with being pedophiles and dangerous people. Hollywood is dangerous and cheated on her secretly with children. He is into pornography and child pornography. He is illegally refusing by law to share that he is dangerous and a pedophile. He does not want her to know his secret or the fans. He is aware of Freemasons and the illumniati are sexually abusing women and children along with doing other secret demonic rituals and illegal crimes but is keeping it a huge secret from her.


Brad Pitt is hiding from Jennifer Aniston that Hollywood is a secret cult. He is hiding that she is in danger in there and is secretly working with the illuminati without her knowing. He is hiding that the Freemasons and the illuminati are breaking the law very badly in Hollywood. The walk of fame is secretly illegal and he is hiding that the star on the walk of fame is a secret occult symbol that the illuminati lied about.


Brad Pitt is also hiding from Jennifer Aniston and the fans that he is in Hollywood for cult purposes differently than Jennifer is. He is hiding that his cult allowed people to join Hollywood secretly illegally against the law and got everyone to secretly break the law. Here is Brad Pitt putting his mark on the walk of fame. He is refusing by law to share that he is a secret pedophile and dangerous. He is aware of secret rituals that his cult does behind closed doors and including harming children. He hates children. He needs to be in jail.



On November 22, 2001 aired the episode of “Friends” that Brad Pitt illegally appeared on (“The One with the Rumor.” He plays Will Colbert who hates Jennifer’s character Rachel Green. He refused by law to share that he is a secret illegal pedophile and that he was cheating on his wife Jennifer Aniston secretly against the law. He also refused to share that Hollywood is a secret satanic cult and that it is extremely dangerous. He allowed the episode to air against the law, let people be fans of himself illegally and allowed the audience to believe that was in love with Jennifer when really he hated her. Still to this day, he is keeping this a secret from the cops and the entire “Friends” fanbase.)

Here is an expert from an interview of Brad Pitt talking about the illuminati:

“You’ve heard of the Illuminati right? The secret societies, the politicians, the bankers and the media – they’re the ones running these pedophile rings, and they’re the ones that run the world, and it all goes back to Hollywood.””Kids wanna be in movies, or should I say; parents want their kids to be in movies, and they’ll do anything to get them famous”


Here is a former photo of the couple’s house. Notice that the floor is black and white. It is the Freemasons secret satanic floor which means the duality of good versus evil.


Here is a photo of a Freemason Lodge floor to compare. Brad Pitt is hiding from Jennifer Aniston that he is a Freemason and it is a dangerous secret cult. He is hiding from here that this floor is something demonic that his cult passed on secretly through Hollywood.


Here is a photo of Jennifer doing a peace sign. Brad Pitt his also hiding from her that the peace sign is secret witchcraft and that the illuminati passed this on as well secretly through Hollywood. He is hiding from her that this symbol is bad. They are trying to secretly mind control us all into doing it.



Here Jennifer is holding up the Triple 6. It does NOT mean A Okay. Brad Pitt is secretly hiding from her that this is a demonic symbol.


Here in an Oprah interview, Brad Pitt holds up the Triple 6 illuminati symbol secretly:


Here in this photoshoot, Brad holds up the Triple 6:


Here Brad Pitt is doing the illuminati hidden eye symbol:


After Brad and Jennifer divorced, Brad Pitt movied on to actress Angelina Jolie. Angelina Jolie is also in a secret cult and is aware that Brad Pitt is a freemason. Brad is also aware that Angelina is in a cult. They both support each other. They are both into the occult black magic and are breaking the law secretly by being in the cult and being in Hollywood as child haters and Brad being a secret pedophile.


Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt’s children (Vivienne Marcheline Jolie-Pitt, Knox Leon Jolie-Pitt, Shiloh Nouvel Jolie-Pitt, Zahara Marley Jolie-Pitt, Pax Thien Jolie-Pitt & Maddox Chivan Jolie-Pitt) some of them were adopted illegally for cult purposes. Pedophiles have a secret obsession with orphans. Their children are in extreme danger of being in their care. They all need to be taken out of custody. Both Brad and Angelina are keeping this a huge secret. They are refusing to share that their cult has been secretly slipping poison in people’s food as well as children’s food. Their kids are also in danger of secret MK Ultra mind control. It is bad if Brad and Angelina are allowing their children to watch Hollywood movies or Disney. They are allowing their children to look up to secret pedophiles that are in the TV without them knowing and are letting them become fans secretly of really dangerous people. They are refusing to share by law that these people broke the law like they are currently doing and are very bad people. The two of them need to be in jail. Brad and Angelina Jolie are also hiding the secret sexual assaults in Hollywood are by a secret cult and they are hiding that they need to be in prison and have been teaching to break the law.


Here is a secret video of Angelina Jolie that leaked onto the internet. In the video she discusses secret illuminati rituals. She mentions that she killed a snake and was into S&M. The illuminati is trying to hide that they are into animal abuse, pornography and child pornography.

Here Brad and Angelina are taking their kids secretly to see Angelina’s film “Maleficent” She is refusing by law to share that she and Brad were taught that Walt Disney needed to be in jail and was a secret pedophile that was in a cult (the Freemasons.) They are refusing to share with their fan’s that they are breaking the law with this film and that they are aware of people at The Walt Disney Company that need to be in prison but they are secretly all teaching to refuse to arrest each other. Angelina and Brad are allowing their children to secretly become fans of someone who needed to be arrested. Brad and Angelina NEED to be arrested! This film is also MK Ultra mind control and it is dangerous for them to watch it.


Here is Angelina and Brad’s daughter Vivienne featured in the film “Maleficent” Angelina and Brad are aware that there are pedophiles secretly working in Hollywood and are illegally sticking their child in there. They are keeping this a secret that she is in danger in there.


Here Angelina Jolie is seen in the film “Malificent” doing the masonic vow of silence:


Here Angelina Jolie is doing the secret illuminati peace sign:


Here is Angelina Jolie taking her children to Disney. She is refusing by law to share that Walt Disney needed to be in jail and was a Freemason like Brad Pitt:


Here is Angelina Jolie on the Alice in Wonderland teacups ride. Alice in Wonderland is used as a MK Ultra film:


Here is a photo of Angelina Jolie wearing a vile of blood necklace around her neck:


Notice that Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie stuck their child in a skulls t-shirt. The skull is another secret illuminati symbol that is used often in the secret society Skull and Bones. It also is the same symbol as poison.




The illuminati is secretly slipping poison in our food. They keep teaching it illegally against the law. They are teaching to illegally hide it from us all. They need to be in jail.

Selena Gomez was rushed to a hospital in Los Angeles last Thursday, June 9 after complaining of nausea and a severe headache, and speculations on what may have put her there have since been swirling. One insider told Us Weekly that the “Wizards of Waverly Place” actress collapsed from food poisoning that was worsened by exhaustion.

Granola Bars bearing the face of fan-beloved teen pop sensation and teenage TV star Miley Cyrus has been recalled due to possible salmonella poison. The Disney Hannah Montana Peanut Chocolate Granola Bars are believed to have salmonella contamination and have currently been pulled from the shelves like a number of other peanut products.

According to reports, on Friday, The Canadian Food Inspection Agency along with the Peanut Corporation of America issued the recall notice after realizing it was a snack product that contained nuts like a number of other products in the widespread peanut recall. The recall on peanut products was in both the U.S. and Canada and was initiated earlier this year.

Meanwhile, reportedly there have been confirmed illnesses in Canada for those who have consumed the Hannah Montana Granola bars.

Miley Cyrus’ Hannah Montana Granola Bars Recalled In Salmonella Scare

Justin Bieber walks off stage in Argentina due to food poisoning

Celebrities Get Food Poisoning, Too!


More sexual assault allegations, this time John Travolta is in the crosshairs

Actor John Travolta has been accused of sexual battery again after another masseur came forward and accused the “Pulp Fiction” star of groping his buttocks and exposing himself during a massage in Palm Springs, California, in 2000.

‘Stranger Things’ Star Finn Wolfhard Fires Agent Over Former Actor’s Sexual Abuse Claim


Agent Tyler Grasham is currently on leave from APA, sources confirm, pending an internal investigation into the matter.


Harvey Weinstein timeline: How the scandal unfolded

In 2009, way before the Harvey Weinstein scandals surfaced to the public, he was going to produce a Judy Garland movie that would star, Anne Hathaway. The movie was called “Get Happy: The Life of Judy Garland.” This movie never made it to production. I find it kind of odd that he was working on a Judy film. I wouldn’t be shocked if he is in a cult and knew about Louis B. Mayer, Arthur Freed, Irving Berlin and all of these occultists and pedophiles working at MGM Studios back when Judy had worked there.


Mark Schwahn Fired From ‘The Royals’ Following Sexual Harassment Investigation

A total of 25 female cast and crew members of “The Royals” released a similar statement in November. The letter accuses Schwahn of “repeated unwanted sexual harassment of multiple female members of cast and crew.” Signed by “The Ladies of ‘The Royals,” the letter follows a similar one signed by the female cast and crew of “One Tree Hill.”


Here is a video of actress Demi Moore at age 19 kissing a 15 year old boy. She needs to be in jail! Notice that after she kisses him, the woman that is singing starts to sing “Over the Rainbow” by Judy Garland from “The Wizard of Oz.” This song and film is used in MK Ultra mind control:

These secret occultists in Hollywood, are teaching to secretly sexually assault people and to be secret pedophiles. They need to be in prison!

Here is a video of singer Carrie Underwood kissing a 12-year-old boy at her concert. I’m not saying she is a pedophile but still, Hollywood is promoting it!:

Here is a video of former Disney Channel star, Demi Lovato. She brings up a young child on stage and allows him to propose to him. Hollywood and Disney Channel supports pedophila and they want you to support this! I am not saying Demi Lovato is a pedophile but The Disney Channel has tons of them secretly working there and they want you to support it.

Dawson’s Creek TV Show promotes underage teenager (Pacey) having sex with his teacher:


Canadian TV Show, “Degrassi: The Next Generation” promotes young girl Emma, getting hit on by a pedophile in the show:


Actress Roseanne Barr discusses MK Ultra in Hollywood:

“Smallville” actress Allison Mack arrested for role in NXIVM sex cult


“Smallville” actress Allison Mack has been arrested in connection with an alleged sex cult case involving the purported self-help group NXIVM, officials announced Friday. Mack and alleged cult leader Keith Raniere were indicted on charges of sex trafficking, sex trafficking conspiracy and forced labor conspiracy.

Read full article here:

What actress Kristin Kreuk that used to work with Allison Mack on “Smallville” had to say about the cult of NXIVM on her Twitter:


Keith Raniere getting arrested:

Here is another great TV show by A&E called “Cults and Extreme Belief” It is a series that exposes cults. Here is the link to where you can learn more about the show and watch full episodes:



Hollywood is dangerous! Do not let your children join! It is incredibly secretly dangerous full of dark twisted people who want to have sex with children.


Disclaimer: I do not own any of the photos that are posted on this blog. All photos were found on, blogs, and YouTube etc. Photos belong to their rightful owners.